开通了中港运输绿色通道,并以此为契机,与香港DHL、UPS、FEDEX、TNT签订了合作代理协议,并且与深圳、香港、广州起飞的多家航空公司建立了长期稳定的战略伙伴关系。与多家著名的船公司建立了良好的合作关系,逐步建立起以航空运输为主,包括快递门到门、空运门到门服务、空运DDU/DDP服务、亚马逊入仓,跨境电商物流增值服务:包括代付关税、海外仓储、进口航空运输、报关报检等业务;我们的目标是为广大客户提供最具专业化和个性化的物流和增值服务,创建“共赢”典范,把公司打造成东方物流的航母! 本着“让我们的客户成为最好的外贸企业,让最好的外贸企业成为我们的客户”的宗旨,飞高国际努力为您提供真正贴心的服务,实实在在做到“诚天下、飞全球”!
Archive for the ‘2017 February’ Category
Every Detail Matters
The hallmark of an experienced customs broker is attention to detail. At GES we pay attention to all the details and utilize our experience, regulatory expertise and the latest technology to help you ensure that your supply chain remains compliant. Our brokerage team participates in Customs automated programs and we extend this technological expertise to you. With GES you always know the status of your shipments.
Every Detail Matters
The hallmark of an experienced customs broker is attention to detail. At GES we pay attention to all the details and utilize our experience, regulatory expertise and the latest technology to help you ensure that your supply chain remains compliant. Our brokerage team participates in Customs automated programs and we extend this technological expertise to you. With GES you always know the status of your shipments.