以合理的价格、优质的服务和坐落于中国北方大港天津新港的地理优势,开展以天津新港为中心的中国各港口与世界各地主要港口之间的直达或中转的海运进出口业务。与往返中国各港口的船公司保持着密切、友好的协作关系,并签有优惠协议。依托往返天津新港的各集装箱、散杂货船公司的力量,为客户提供海运进出口货物的“一条龙”服务。面对国内贸易的稳定发展,南北贸易的日益增长,公司可承接沿海国内贸易的集装箱、散杂货的租船、订舱、门到门服务。针对不同客户的不同货物的不同要求,量身定做物流方案,第一时间及时、准确、快速、优质的全部派送到位We strive to become a leader in the field, providing seamless logistics services and effective supply chain management solutions to our clients.
We take pride on the quality of service from our specialized staff providing personal understanding of customer needs. We will make every effort to provide customized door-to-door solutions to match your every need.
We also have dedicated professional staffs that provide state-of-the-art IT solutions to streamline operational efficiency and full shipment visibility.
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