泰实提供一般商品仓储业务、特殊商品仓储业务和保税仓储业务。泰实的仓储业务为客户运输经营提供方便。泰实总部仓库靠近白云机场,仓储管理方便,货物存取期限灵活,适合各类型客户需求。客户可以根据他们的需要订仓存储货物。 Free flow requires grouping large numbers of containers because terminals don’t have the resources and time to sort dozens of small piles. Terminals that offer free flow tend to do so for large shippers—such as Target, Home Depot and Walmart—with sufficient volume to gain the necessary efficiencies and justify setting aside valuable yard space for their containers. The shippers typically—but not always—have a dedicated shuttle-truck provider. Facilities in Los Angeles and Long Beach, for example, have a threshold of 80 to 100 containers for a common cargo owner. Motor carriers hired by the cargo owner are then able to pick up the nearest container from the pile and shuttle it to the destination warehouse.
Importers can typically evacuate their shipping boxes in a day compared to several days with traditional handling methods, according to freight executives.
Instead of entering the terminal with a pre-determined pick-up order, the driver accepts any container and then contacts the dispatch office with the container number to find out the matching customer and delivery instructions.
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