
可提供国外工厂至国内工厂的门到门服务 , 包括国外出口的订舱、报关、运输和国内的进口通关、运输等全套服务。
海关监管仓库服务:提供进口货物的分拨 ,转关运输的储存保管服务。仓库内配备各种先进的装卸设备能满足各类货物装卸要求。货物进出通畅快捷,能够满足客户的物流需求 。
  The company has a separate declaration enterprises approved by the General Administration of Customs, has a field office in Shanghai Shipping Exchange.Declaration system of networked computers with the Shanghai Customs Data Center, to provide customers with import and export goods declaration, inspection, inspection and other services.
Port to provide comprehensive import and export, customs agents, animal and plant quarantine, quarantine, inspection and cargo handling and other services; addition, it also provides off-site through customs and transit services.Charge d'affaires of the application of the tax relief, bonded goods registration and verification, the Free Trade Zone of immigration for the record, import and export goods tax rebate and other services, and procedures for processing registration manual.

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