
Main business:
1. Container and bulk cargo trailer business, low price, good service.
2. General cargo storage, our company has its own warehouse in Qingdao, Shanghai and other places, able to provide you with worry-free warehousing services.
3. Bonded goods warehousing, re-export trade, customs declaration, inspection, trailer transportation, cargo transportation between enterprises in the region, and processing and consolidation in the region.
4. Storage and Logistics of General Chemicals and Dangerous Goods, Packing, Photographing of Dangerous Goods Sites, and Declaration of Dangerous Goods  我们在园区内拥有大型的综合仓库,和散堆货场,配备各式先进进口设备,是集国际贸易、区内之间贸易、转口贸易、出口加工、仓储物流、分拨、国际商品展示于一身的现代化综合物流企业。我们旨在成为最优秀的第三方物流专业服务商,并利用保税区突出的区位优势,优惠政策和现代物流服务技术手段,全面介入企业供应链的全过程,为您提供高水平的物流服务,一流的物流解决方案和本地化的专业建议,实现您高效的商业运作。

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